Something a bit now which will thrill the visual and aural learners out there (I'm more kinesthetic and visual, myself). Here's a video using one of those sped up drawing narratives which seems to be quite popular now. Although it can be quite helpful to watch, having the static result as a drawing only and not being a video (with sound), tends to be less beneficial. Regardless, the content is quite interesting, and hopefully helps you with your team.
6/21/2012 0 Comments We're rebranded!Starting out from smaller workshops, our previous website and branding sufficed.
However, as we continue to grow with exciting Clients and attendees, we thought it was time to upgrade from a dreary website with the occasional blog post and Tweet. We're aiming to post more frequently, so stay tuned! It's amazing how much a little bit of change in font and colours can do - do your organisation or work need a small change to boost productivity and renew energy? Maybe just changing a sign-off on your email might do the trick. 6/21/2012 0 Comments Being a Leader is NOT like a DuckDo you sometimes feel lost and overwhelmed with work, study or life in general?
Sure, everyone has at least one point in their lives (if you haven't, ask yourself if you're attending to things with maximum drive). In the article (and accompanying video) "The Emotional Adventure of Leadership", the author recalls the feelings of panic, uneasiness, embarressment and inadequacy when he had to lead a group on a mountaineering expedition as an analogy for leadership. Like the consensus, in his mind, he expects that: "Leaders are supposed to have the answers. They're supposed to be confident, self-assured, and knowledgeable. They're supposed to know where they are and where they're going at all times." |